
There is another world outside what humanity experiences in their day-to-day life. In the dark, the abandoned places, and just beyond the corner of the eye, supernatural beings make their home and live their lives. These creatures are the wyrd and generally go unseen by the mortal populations that make up the mundane world.

By night, Holly Ortega is the Wild Hunt. As the Wild Hunt, it is her duty to make sure that creatures of the wyrd don't topple mortal society. Sometimes this means fighting a wyrd beast. Other times it means brokering a deal between different factions within the wyrd to keep the peace. And other times her duty involves protecting the wyrd from mortal threats.

By day, Holly is a student at Baytown University struggling to keep up with her school work. She lives in a rented house with her friends and works at a coffee shop. Her life is a tightrope act, balancing the needs of Baytown's mortal and wyrd communities all while balancing school, work, and what little social life she can squeeze in.

Read more about the world of the Wild Hunt in the LORE section!

Who's Responsible for this thing?

Shaun Gilroy - Writer ( shaun@wildhuntcomic.com ) - tumblr - twitter
Shaun is a freelance web developer by day who fancies himself a writer. He's the one responsible for the website, story, and lettering of the comic.

Blakely Inberg - Artist
Blakely is responsible for drawing all the things for Chapter 1

Felix Ortiz - Artist
Felix is responsible for the art in the Chapter 1 Interlude

Dima Derzhavin - Artist ( dima.derzhavin.art@gmail.com ) - DeviantArt - twitter - instagram - ArtStation
Dima is the Wild Hunt artist beginning Chapter 2 Onward!

Liza Sergeeva - Artist ( sereli.job@gmail.com ) - ArtStation
Liza colors pages starting with Chapter 9, Page 20 and ending with Chapter 10, Page 15.